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What is Prosilient Minds?

"Prosilient Minds integrates mind, brain, and relating to focus on facilitating healthy and optimal human systems, and increasing personal, relational, and planetary well-being."


                                 -- Debra Pearce-McCall, Phd

What happens when we apply the latest discoveries about our brains, our minds, and our relationships to every day life?

Prosilient Minds offers executive coaching, consultation, and training for leaders, coaches, healers, and all who want to infuse their (hu)mentoring with neuroscience, relational psychology, and mindful presence.

In classes, workshops, and trainings, Debra's informative and experiential presentations address our human experience through understanding our minds, brains, and relationships as connected systems. Topics cover adult well-being at work and home; relating well, with the brain in mind; compassion and well-minded brains; IPNB for leaders and organizations; applying IPNB as a wellness practitioner or educator; and global minds, empathic brains, and sustainability.

Interpersonal Neurobiology.

An Integrated Framework, based on findings from numerous scientific disciplines, interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB) focuses on the three levels of human experience - mind, relationship, and our embodied brains. This sophisticated framework offers a solid understanding of health and well-being, and how to consistently track toward those on all three levels. This well-being is, in essence, the scientific understanding of what is a healthy living system - whether it’s our bodies, brains, minds, families, businesses, cultures.
With IPNB, we merge systems perspectives with the sciences of being human (like psychology and relational science, neuroscience and biology, linguistics and anthropology) and have a solid guide that illuminates the many pathways to change.
Though it's a very big picture, "meta" framework, my work for many years has been translating IPNB into incredibly practical and science-based guides to mental, relational, physical, and ongoing health, for any level of human system. This is why it impacts leadership and organizations as powerfully as it impacts coaching or psychotherapy or education or parenting or relationship with self or.... I call it "Systems 3.0" because it brings that interconnected perspective of emergent and complex interactions, to the workings within and among our minds, brains, and relationships.

Why Choose the Framework of Prosilient Minds?
                                                   -- A Message From Dr. Debra Pearce-McCall


I developed my systemic, interdisciplinary perspective on wellness and change working in clinics, academic settings, corporate management, and private practice. My studies of psychology and the mind, human systems and relationships, and the process of change toward wellness, began in the 1970s - and I've been delighted by many of those ideas becoming very well-supported by science and practice over the years.  In recent years, I've been passionate about expanding applications for the integrative field and framework of interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB), a way to consider mind and relationships and brain interacting in our whole of human experience. 
Compassionately understanding our minds and developing them builds stronger personal and work relationships; learning certain keys of relating to ourselves and others builds resilient minds and healthier brains. Imagine the possibilities when people are applying the latest information about optimizing our minds, brains, and relationships - in workplaces, in families, in communities. I help people integrate and apply the latest information about the science and art of well-being in their lives and work.


Congruent with thousands of scientific findings from over a dozen disciplines, IPNB illuminates the importance of applying what we know about mind and relationship to our selves, to others, and to our groups, organizations, and families. Doing so helps us develop healthier minds and brains/bodies, increasing our compassion, connection, and communication skills as well as our ability to focus and be productive, and our sense of balance and vitality.
Though it's a very big picture, "meta" framework, IPNB is also an incredibly practical and science-based guide to mental, relational, and physical health, for any level of human system, based on consilient findings from over a dozen scientific disciplines. This is why it impacts leadership and organizations as powerfully as it impacts coaching or psychotherapy or education or parenting or loving, and people's hearts and minds on a personal plane. I call it "Systems 3.0" because it brings that interconnected perspective of emergent and complex interactions, to the workings within and among our amazing brains, minds, and hearts.


My specialty is translating all this powerful knowledge into customized, interesting, impacting conversations, presentations, workshops, and more. My clients and audiences consistently tell me I bring welcoming energy, enthusiasm, humor, and wisdom that open up possibilities; make sharing, risking, and learning safe and fun; and weave science and practical applications together in enjoyable, illuminating, and transforming ways. I call it "prosilient" minds because of my deep fascination with the human mind and our capacity to creatively evolve. We can be brilliantly prosilient when we understand our social brains and the keys from science and wisdom traditions that move us to WEll Being.
I sought and continue to seek specific training in deep and rich methods to impact positive and sustainable change on all levels. Whether you are interested in personal growth, professional development, or improvements for a team or organization - let's talk about making it happen.


In what ways do you want to know, grow, and evolve your mind? Prosilient Mind skills, like awareness, intention, self-regulation, mindful communication, can be practiced and developed. Based on findings from numerous scientific disciplines, the consilient field of interpersonal neurobiology offers a powerful working definition of the healthy mind, expanding a definition I learned years earlier, when a big thinker named Bateson called mind - the pattern that connects.
Systemic and emergent ways of understanding the human mind are essential to the Prosilient Minds approach. A deep appreciation for all kinds of minds, and the integration of multiple ways to develop mind skills are lifelong pursuits for PM's founder. (I still have the first paper I wrote about the mind, completed at age 12!) In what ways do you want to know, grow, and evolve your mind?



We say 'the brain' for short, though our human experience really involves our entire nervous systems, from the brains in our skulls to the information broadcast by the neurons in our guts or those surrounding our hearts. An explosion of research continually gives us amazing insights into the workings of our brain/bodies - showing us some keys to regulation of stress and understanding emotions, promoting neuroplasticity, calmer minds, and greater health and well-being.
Prosilient Minds applies this to motivate, inspire, illuminate, and help make the process of change easier for people and organizations.
We can use our amazing minds to learn about, and then to 'notice and nudge' our brains and nervous systems toward patterns that support our well-being. Want to learn how?


Humans are made to be connected; our nervous systems resonate with social information; healthy relationships contribute greatly to a sense of well-being and have measurable impact on our actual physical health. The best work outcomes and the happiest families happen when folks relate well.
Relationships yield our greatest pleasures and yet can also be our biggest sources of stress, conflict, and suffering. Our minds can learn about our social brains, move from reactive to reflective and responsive, and become prosilient in how we relate.
Prosilient Minds facilitates learning specific skills to build trusting, life enhancing, productive and prosilient relationships at work and home. And relating well supports healthier minds and brains. If you work through relationships, bring mind and brain savvy skills to your (hu)mentoring!

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